Facts About Maintaining a Proper Roof You Should Know – Part 2

In our last post we talked about the facts of maintaining a proper roof that you should know and we have more to share with you. As a homeowner, there are several more facts you should know to help prevent costly repairs or replacements.

A roof can last for 20+ years, depending on the materials used and the maintenance given. This could be longer than you actually owning the house, so don’t leave the roof in disrepair. That’s why is so important to know and understand your warranty. Maybe the warranty is with the materials, while others may be with the builder. It’s important to know what is covered when maintaining a proper roof.

Keeping your roof in good working condition will only benefit you. Especially if you need to sell quickly. Having a roof in good working condition will help it sell faster. Plus, allow you to ask for full price. If the roof was not in good working condition, you would be looking at discounting your house to make up the difference for the repairs.

The maintenance for a roof can vary depending on the roofing materials used. The materials may also vary depending on the climate you live in. For example, a gable roof is good for colder and wetter climates; while flat roofs are good for areas with little to no rain and asphalt shingle roofs are good for areas that are hot and humid.

Another type of material that’s growing in popularity is the “cool roofs” that are environmentally friendly and reflect infrared and UV rays. This typically makes the home cooler and can even lower energy consumption and reduce energy bills.

Most homeowners don’t notice the needed repairs with their roof until it’s too late. To help prevent expensive repairs and replacements; consider having your roof inspected every six months to ensure it is in proper working conditions.

If you need help maintaining a proper roof, call BB Roofing and we will walk you through all the options that fit your needs and your budget. Call BB Roofing for a free, no obligation estimate today!

Maintaining a Proper Roof - BBRoofing.com