In the Community
At BB Roofing, we are all about helping in the community. That isn’t just something we say, we demonstrate it every day. We support events in the communities we serve through sponsorship and directly through participation. Our clients know who we are because they see us on the golf course supporting local non-profits. They see us at Chamber of Commerce and other networking events out in the community because we understand the value of connecting with our neighbors.
BB Roofing was founded by Blaine Brown. Blaine grew up in a small town in southeast Nebraska and his family struggled financially. There were dependency issues and he was bounced between family members. He was picked on is school for not having new clothes or the latest sneakers. As an adult, Blaine never forgot about the pain of poverty. For this reason, he has a special place in his heart for charities that provide assistance to those in need. BB Roofing sponsors a number of charities and charitable events and serves as the Diamond Sponsor for A Warmer Day ( A Warmer Day is an all-volunteer charity whose mission is to provide coats and winter apparel to those in need. BB Roofing shares in this mission. Along with their financial contributions to the cause, the team can often be found volunteering to distribute coats themselves.
The special relationship between A Warmer Day and BB Roofing is just one of the many ways BB Roofing contributes in the community.